Author: rengoku11


Cubism art was the beginning of modern abstract art which influenced todays’ artists and is still carried on in current graphic art trends. This art style emerged in the beginning of the 20th century where artists wanted to show the world another style of drawings.  The major artists throughout this cubism period, were Pablo Picasso,…


Constructivism Art an avant-garde movement which originated in Russia during the 20th century.  It was one of other modern arts of that time. It was highly influenced by Cubism and Futurism design.  This movement developed after the First World War and the scope of this art was more to change the society’s political ideologies, rather…


The main objective of Bauhaus was to combine art, craft, and technology.  Machines were considered a positive element, and therefore industrial and product design were important features.  His philosophy was that form follows function.     The founder, son and grandson of architects, Walter Gropius, called for a reform in the art process, learning again…

Art Deco

Art deco originated after the First World War, around the 1920’s and its style influenced all aspects of arts from visual arts to architecture and interior arts. It was totally different from the previous design, that of Art Nouveau. Unlike Art Nouveau there were superfluous curves, but these were replaced by geometrical shapes, strong curves,…


The key aspect discussed is Surrealism a cultural movement, which was inspired by what was actually happening in the world around this time – 1924. It has been revealed that it was partially set up as a reaction to the chaos and horrors of World War 1. In fact, Surrealism developed out of the Dadaism…